Stock Photo News from A-Z FOTOS. The first modern ezine combining the work of the creative professional with pictures, stock photography and marketing.

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The First modern eZine to combine Pictures and Marketing

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The first Modern eZine combining Stock Photography and Marketing

November 2001


* From the Editor

* Tips for using conceptual pictures # 5

* Optimize links to your website

* Take better Travel Pictures, Tip # 5: Mix natural and
artificial light

* Guest article: Guerrilla insights into direct response
- by Jay Conrad Levinson

* Do you need more subscribers to your newsletter ?

* Learn from free marketing courses

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For some months I am working in Thailand, mainly based in the
capital Bangkok. A huge hectic city with colours, food, cars
and people all over.

A modern metropolis with its strength and weakness exposed for
the open eye. A challenge for lungs and the time manager to
keep up with own ambitions of schedules and activities. And a
pleasant way to learn the efficient management and kind
attitudes of Thais during a multitude of ways of co-operation.

The effect of globalization is obvious in Thailand, and not
least in the capital. However, there are also an element which
definitely must have the attention of my readers, because it
seems to be out of reach of globalization: As in other
Southeast Asian countries the enforcement of copyright is not

This is easiest seen in the open offering of pirate copies of
software, cd roms, and dvds, including encyclopedias, royalty
free picture collections and the most expensive software
collections. All to be bought for a few dollars. It is not a
small business here in Bangkok, and I guess the missing
enforcement of copyrights costs my readers fortunes in unpaid
royalties and sales. I have no solutions for the moment. But
this might be used by you as an indicator of needed attention to
copyright aspects in future ventures with the region.

As sitting far from my normal office and resources for producing
Stock Photo News, I apologize for not being as well informed as
usual. And I apologize for a missing English language correction
before publication. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this issue
and find useful information for your work. The web based
version has to be uploaded later, - sorry.

Soren Breiting

A-Z FOTOS "Find Stock Photos from most of the World" .

Comments, tips and relevant articles are appreciated, please
email me at sb@

PLEASE send YOUR FRIENDS an email by a click on Recommend-It
(You can win 10.000 dollars)

*** Please note: We will not sell or rent the email addresses
belonging to our subscribers - we respect your privacy. This
mail list will only be used to send you the monthly ezine.

This ezine uses opt in addresses, only. ***


This new list can hopefully further your own ideas. Conceptual
pictures function as symbols, metaphors, icons or analogies in
advertisements, for book covers, articles and features etc.

Delicate, vulnerable
... Thin thread
... Spider silk
... Baby bottom
... Baby kittens/pubbies 'without' eyes

... Dessert
... Ice field
... Huge heavy closed door
... Hanging locker

Starting a new day - a fresh beginning
... Sunrise
... Rooster calling
... Singing bird
... Alarm clock
... A person waking up

Send me additional ideas for these concepts, and I will publish
them with your name/website in the next issues
mailto sb@ . New concepts will also be listed in the
next issue. All will later be put together and displayed at


The more websites which link to your website the more visitors
you will get from other sites. This is obvious. Therefore,
encourage visitors to link to your site in all possible ways.
Text links are often the best for your traffic. Remember to ask
for a specific text which includes one or more important
keywords for your website.

Make a search in a few of the biggest search engines and find
out which other sites are linking to your site. We search, and for
links. List the exact page of these websites linking to your
site with their full url. And now comes the really smart. Use a
good submitter to send the most important of these pages to as
many real search engines as possible. We use SubmitWolf which
automates the whole thing. You buy the license to the programme
and will have future free access to updates. Lots of web pages
are never registered by the search engines, or drop out. So if
you follow these guidelines you will help a number of web pages
with links to your site to be included in the database of many
smaller and a few bigger search engines.
This will help you in two ways:
- More visitors will find the pages which links to
your site, and from that click to your site.
- The more links to your site which are registered in a search engine,
the higher will the relevance of your site be regarded. And that helps you
a lot to get a comfortable high position in the search engine
searches, especially if the links to your site use text with
some of your important keywords in.

Take better travel pictures. Tip 5


'The blue hour' before it becomes dark gives the traveller
impressive possibilities, especially with buildings and in
cities. The warm natural light 'left' from the setting sun can
contribute with a beautiful blue/purple sky which match the
yellow (or greenish) light from artificial light sources in
windows and streets.

Skylines and other city shots become much more attractive when
the sky isn't turning out total black as what happens later in
the evening.

You need a firm support for your camera. A tripod is flexible,
but support from a wall or the like might fit the conditions,
too. If the scene isn't dynamic with moving people you can use
the build-in self timer in the camera to avoid camera shake.

Take a few alternative shots around what your light meter tells
you as the the correct exposure.

Be concerned about vertical and horizontal lines in the picture.
- And learn from experience.

Have continued good luck with your travel photography.

Soren Breiting



-- By Jay Conrad Levinson

Guerrilla Insights Into Direct Response
by Jay Conrad Levinson

Direct response marketing is a lot different from indirect
response marketing, although guerrillas like it best when the
two are teamed up. The first is geared to obtain orders right
here and right now. The second is geared to obtain orders
eventually. Although a fair amount of standard, indirect
marketing often is necessary to set the stage, to make prospects
ready to buy, and to separate your company from strangers, it's
when you initiate direct marketing that you first taste blood.

As you well know, we are living in the Age of Information, most
of it very easy to obtain. But information is hardly enough for
a guerrilla. And information is not insight. It's the
combination of information and thought that leads to insight and
it's insight that's going to make you a stand-out in the direct
response arena.

The first insight for you to absorb is that direct response
marketing either works immediately or not at all. Unlike
standard marketing which changes attitudes slowly and ultimately
leads to a sale if you go about things right, guerrilla direct
response marketing changes minds and attitudes instantly and
leads to a sale instantly if you go about things right.

When it works, you know it. You don't have to sit around and
wonder. You don't have to wait months and months for your
message to penetrate the mind of your prospect. Your time-dated
direct marketing offer either results in a sale right now -- or
it doesn't.

To succeed with direct marketing in any medium, remember always:

1. Your offer is omnipotent. The best presentation in the
world has a major uphill battle if you make a weak or ordinary

2. The market to whom you direct your message can make or break
your campaign. Saying the right thing to the wrong people
results in no sale.

3. What you say and how you say it is easily as important as to
whom you say it. Talk in terms of your prospects and how your
offer benefits them.

4. Carefully planning every cent of your campaign for maximum
profits requires as much creativity as your message. Guerrillas
excel at this.

5. The more that people have been exposed to your other
marketing, the more readily they'll accept what you offer with
your direct marketing.

Some principles of indirect marketing apply to direct
marketing. You must still talk of the prospect, not yourself,
and you must make a clear and cogent offer. But from that
point on, direct marketing is a whole new ballgame. And its one
that you can win with the insights of the guerrilla.

Stupid mistakes in horrid abundance have been made by otherwise
bright companies when testing the direct response waters.
Fortunately, guerrillas can learn from these blunders, making
those waters a bit safer. Listing them would take an endless
series of books, but it's worth your time if I make a start by
providing insight into ten of the most notable:

* Failure to attract attention at the outset dooms many
brilliant campaigns before they have a chance to shine.
Envelopes, opening lines, mail subject lines and first
impressions are the gates to your offer. Open them wide.

* Not facing the reality of a direct marketing explosion
relegates your attempt to the ordinary, which means the ignored.
Guerrillas say things to rise above the din, to be noticed and
desired in a sea of marketers.

* Focusing your message on yourself instead of your prospect
will usually send your effort to oblivion. Prospects care far
more about themselves than they care about you. So talk to them
about themselves.

* Not knowing precisely who your market is will send you into
the wrong direction. Research into pinpointing that market will
be some of the most valuable time you devote to your direct
marketing campaign.

* Mailing or telephoning to other than honest prospects wastes
your time and money. If you make your offer to people who don't
really have a need for your offering, they'll be an incredibly
tough sale.

* Initiating direct response marketing without specific
objectives gives you too hazy a target for bullseyes. Begin by
creating the response method for your prospects so you'll know
what your message should say.

* Featuring your price before you stress your benefit will be
telling people what they don't want to know yet. First, your
job is to make them want what you are offering, then you can
tell them the price.

* Concentrating on your price before your offer is wasting a
powerful selling point. Even if your price is the lowest,
people care more about how they'll gain from purchasing. Give
your low price at the right time.

* Failing to test all that can be tested is a goof-off of the
highest order. Test your price points, opening lines, subject
lines, envelope teaser lines, benefits to stress, contact times
and mailing lists to know the real winners.

* Setting the wrong price means you've failed in your testing
and your research. Guerrillas are sensitive to their market and
their competition, testing prices and constantly subjecting them
to the litmus test of profits.

As direct response vehicles become more sophisticated and
prolific, guerrillas have the insight to zero in on the exact
people to contact, so as not to waste time or money on
strangers. Successful mailings to strangers net as high as two
percent response rates. Successful mailings to customers and
qualified prospects net up to ten percent. Precision leads to

Jay Conrad Levinson is the creator of the Guerrilla Marketing series
of books - the best selling series of business books in history. He
is also responsible for some of the most successful ad campaigns in
history, including *the* most successful in history: The Marlboro Man.
Jay is responsible for countless small businesses becoming huge household
names. Learn how he does this in his latest book: "Guerrilla Marketing
for the New Millennium":



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THANK YOU for reading and recommending Stock Photo News. See you
in the next Stock Photo Newsletter!

Soren Breiting

Copyright 2001 by Soren Breiting, A-Z FOTOS.
" Find Stock Photos from most of the World"

Email me at:

You are welcome to forward this newsletter to a friend or to
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including the copyright notion and contact information, intact
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Stock Photo News is a monthly newsletter edited by Soren
Breiting. Due to many travels abroad it is impossible for me to
keep the schedule of the issues strictly fitting to each month.
My intention is to bring quality information which is not
outdated a month or two later.

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Stock Photo News is your professional ezine to keep in touch with the trends of the online market for photography. By combining marketing issues with stock photography and how to make the most out of pictures this monthly ezine helps you not to loose on the dynamic market for pictures and how they are used.

Stock Photo News takes the pulse of the stock photo industry and gives you hints on how to search for stock photography and where to get the best pictures.

News about new picture agencies, merging stock photo agencies and other important changes for the creative professional are brought in many issues.

Even for the budding stock photographer or the student of creative productions this photo ezine should be well worth studying as it is dealing with the potential of pictures and offer stock photo news related to marketing and stock photography - including the newest information about stock photo distributors / picture agencies.

Stock Photo News has been published since 1999 and was the first professional newsletter to combine pictures and marketing.

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