Stock Photo News from A-Z FOTOS. The first modern ezine combining the work of the creative professional with pictures, stock photography and marketing.

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The First modern eZine to combine Pictures and Marketing

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No. 21

The first Modern eZine combining Stock Photography and

'Equally important for picture buyers and image providers.'

March 2006


* From the Editor

* Text Resources for Pictures and Adsense Revenue

* Get your Gifts for reading and staying

* Article Submission Sites: Why Can't I Use Pictures?
By Jesse Somer

* Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog

Archive of earlier issues of Stock Photo News at

>>> Subscription information at the end of this ezine.


Just returned from an international workshop in Gothenburg
in Sweden I have been reminded about the true meaning of
'photography'- writing with light. As the winter was
still over Sweden the weather was unusual grey and dull, cold
and wet. Not a big inspiration for a photographer or any visitor.

From previous experience in Sweden I know what Gothenburg and
in fact the whole west coast of Sweden could be experienced as
intimate nature and culture. Later I will go back to capture the
atmosphere of the northern charming summer with the long
evenings near the sea.

For this trip I had to be happy with some indoor shots and the
enjoyment of the Swedish hospitality and long cultural heritage.

In photography we talk about revealing reality, but without an
esthetic quality of each picture it will end just as a digital
file, or a piece of film. Many of us have thought that dull
weather is a part of this reality to reveal and with its own
esthetic potential. But when it comes to the commercial part of
using pictures such shots have a short walk on earth.

Picture editors love blue skies and sunshine pictures. If the sun
has gone and the sky has turned grey you have to apply your own
tricks to keep the picture editor happy.

In many earlier issues of SPN I have highlighted the fact that
online pictures are fine to see, when a visitor IS on the website.
But pictures don't help us in the search engines, only proper text
will do.

Read on to find some resources that can immedeately help you
with texts.

Contrary, the guest article is about the limited accept of pictures
when the author circulate socalled free for reprint articles.

If you didn't get your gift as a subscriber I repeat the bonus offer
below, now included for new subscribers.

Please enjoy reading Stock Photo News!

Soren Breiting, Editor.
"Find Stock Photos from most of the World"

Comments, tips and relevant articles are appreciated. Send
email to (please remove the
inserted part added to avoid email harvesters).

*** Important note: I will not sell or rent the email
addresses belonging to our subscribers - I respect your
privacy. This mail list will only be used to send you the
monthly ezine. - This ezine uses opt in addresses.***
Soren Breiting


See at the end of the newsletter how to avoid that you loose
coming issues of Stock Photo News because of SPAM filters.


Success online to day can be calculated by the formula:
- High quality information or products offered x
- Pages with a proper amount of text with the relevant key words
used properly x
- Many web pages each optimized for a few relevant keywords
and key phrases.

It is time consuming to write up all the text by yourself.

It is at the same time helpful to spread the content over a
number of websites each with a strong focus on content.

Private label articles (PLA) are offered with the option that
you are allowed to rewrite them as much as you want, so you
can adapt them to your current needs, e.g. as resources at your
website, or linked to the display of your pictures.
In a few cases you are even offered full flying websites
optimized for additional Adsense revenue.

Here are a number of articles and website resources - I use
them myself. (There are many others I don't use!)



Go to ccccc (link removed) and download your gift. If you have a website or plan a website this will improve your success very much. This offer was only available for subscribers - You can get the bonus by subscribing.



By Jesse Somer

I’ve been writing articles and stories on the Internet for a
couple of years now and I’ve come to realize that there’s
something very wrong with current article submission sites.
If you write articles for Newspapers or magazines you will
have noticed that most of the stories have photographs or
pictures accompanying the text.

It adds a whole dimension to the story, piquing interest
in the words that may have otherwise been skimmed over
and ignored as just being another of an infinite number
of articles.

Extremely valuable information could be lost to our
consciousness, and to our community on the Internet.
Pictures have been used in the ‘paper’ for decades,
if not centuries. We’ve come to expect an exciting
aesthetic presence when something new and interesting is
presented to society. So, why is it that this area of the most
modern medium for the written word doesn’t allow images?

My company submits my articles to over one hundred article
repository sites around the Internet. Recently I started to
work in a collaborative effort with a graphic designer who drew
up both comics and Flash animations to go with the stories.
It’s remarkable to say that only a fifth of the sites would
accept an image with the piece, while only a twentieth would
allow the Flash animation to be used. This could be considered
as an outrage. Personally, I have to admit that I simply judge
it as a sign that the World Wide Web is in many ways still an
infant, or better yet, an unborn pregnancy.

Why do the article submission sites have a problem with having
images in the text? Could it be that they worry too much about
the cost of added disc-space and bandwidth needed to upload the
pictures? I don’t know but if you are reading this I urge you
that if you want people to come and visit your site repeatedly,
you have to make it worthwhile. Content is the most important
aspect of the Internet, but people do get tired of looking at
boring pages filled with only text. Imagine buying a magazine
these days that only has words, photos and pictures having been
deleted for the sake of experiment. No one would want it, I mean,
half the time it’s the pictures that you’re searching for in the
first place, or they’re what inspire you to read a specific story,
while ignoring others.

If you are a webmaster of an article submission site, please go
to and leave a comment so that I can know
why when it comes to publishing my works, we are still living in
the ‘ancient’ past.

By Jesse S. Somer
Jesse S. Somer knows that a picture speaks a thousand words. So,
please let us put pictures in our Internet articles!

Jesse S. Somer is a creative writer working at M6.Net:
‘The web-hosting company for humans.’ M6.Net is working hard
to help humanity experience the power and freedom to develop
their own part of the Internet, to share their information and
connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime.



Do you fight with time to code your pictures with the best key words?
Then the Controlled Vocabulary by David Riecks might be the solution
to your problems:



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the domains and on the
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Other ISPs: If one of your Stock Photo News issue is being
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domains (or SPN´s 'From' or 'Reply-to' address) to your
address book or contact list. THANK YOU! / Soren

Copyright 2006 by Soren Breiting, A-Z FOTOS. "Find Stock Photos from most of the
World" Email me at: sb@ (email
spaced etc to avoid email harvesters).

You are welcome to forward this newsletter to a friend or
to post it on your own website as long as you keep ALL
content, including the copyright notion and contact
information, intact and keep all links.

Stock Photo News is 'in principle' a monthly newsletter
edited by me, Soren Breiting. Due to many travels abroad
it is impossible for me to keep the schedule of the issues
strictly fitting to each month. My intention is to bring
quality information that isn't outdated a month or two

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Stock Photo News is your professional ezine to keep in touch with the trends of the online market for photography. By combining marketing issues with stock photography and how to make the most out of pictures this monthly ezine helps you not to loose on the dynamic market for pictures and how they are used.

Stock Photo News takes the pulse of the stock photo industry and gives you hints on how to search for stock photography and where to get the best pictures.

News about new picture agencies, merging stock photo agencies and other important changes for the creative professional are brought in many issues.

Even for the budding stock photographer or the student of creative productions this photo ezine should be well worth studying as it is dealing with the potential of pictures and offer stock photo news related to marketing and stock photography - including the newest information about stock photo distributors / picture agencies.

Stock Photo News has been published since 1999 and was the first professional newsletter to combine pictures and marketing.

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