Stock Photo News from A-Z FOTOS. The first modern ezine combining the work of the creative professional with pictures, stock photography and marketing.

Stock Photo News

The First modern eZine to combine Pictures and Marketing

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No. 26

The first Modern eZine combining Stock Photography and
Marketing - Published since 1999

'Equally important for picture buyers and image providers.'

October 2007



* From the Editor

* Market segmentation of stock photo delivery

* Your gift for reading SPN

* Multi domain hosting - cheap and huge

* Bilingual Marketing - Profit from Two Languages in
Promoting Websites and Business

* Will Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III kill digital backs and
medium cameras?

* Alamy hits 10 million images

* age fotostock unveils easyFotostock - low budget
Royalty Free pictures

* THP Photo Services launches THP PhotoStorage

* Since Last Stock Photo News

* White-list Stock Photo News

Archive of earlier issues of Stock Photo News at

>>> Subscription information at the end of this ezine.


Welcome to a new issue of Stock Photo News with helpful
hints and info for the picture researcher, publisher and
the stock photo industry.

The tuff segmentation that is already in play will continue.
The price for simple pictures will continue to stay at a
very low level compared to the past.

When everybody is running around with a digital camera that
can produce the technical quality for reproduction for a lot
of uses it will be possible for the user of pictures to find
suitable pictures as long as the demand isn't for outstanding
photographic performance.

And because of the camera phones the news and press
photographers are also under pressure. Many others might have
been on location before the press photographer has arrived.

This is the theme in this issue of SPN. Make sure to read
the press releases below as documentation.

As a gift for waiting for Stock Photo News, I have included
some useful gifts I expect will be valuable for your future
work. Remember to download them while they are still available.

Words and text are still a crucial element of all online success
and I include a fresh article about bilingual marketing - many
should be able to benefit from these points.

Enjoy reading Stock Photo News!

Soren Breiting, Editor.
"Find Stock Photos from most of the World"

Comments, tips and relevant articles are appreciated. Send
email to (please remove the
inserted part added to avoid email harvesters).

*** Important note: I will not sell or rent the email
addresses belonging to our subscribers - I respect your
privacy. This mail list will only be used to send you the
monthly ezine. - This ezine uses opt in addresses.***
Soren Breiting



The web is full of sites that are offering pictures of a
mixed quality for a slant but with the best pictures being
good enough for serious use. Some are in fact brilliant
photographic images. And too many amateur photographers
are simply happy just to see others making use of their

As said - people find it more fun to help others with their
photo needs than giving a hand with washing windows!

The effect of these trends is documented in the press
releases below. Segmentation of the stock photography offers
between low cost delivers with huge image databases and very
little focus on editing, but using the mechanisms of web 2.0
doing some of the evaluation.

The web 2.0 is referring to the interaction between the users
and the website and the whole idea of creating community
linked to the online presence.

And on the other edge we see tightly edited stock photo
sources with much focus on creative and unique images and
high pay out to the lucky photographers who are good enough
for this competition.

Parallel to this segmentation we see a quest for still better
picture search engines and for the quality of the key wording
of each stock picture. As part of that when combined with the
availability of the pictures we see the success of Alamy now
with more than 1 million stock pictures online.

In the big picture more advertising agencies and other
professional picture researcher are becoming more comfortable
with using micro payment stock photo sources, according to
the report '2008 Online Images Outlook: Microstock Adoption
Accelerating', referred to by Stock Asylum Staff Report
from 24. Oct.

This accept of micro payment stock is mainly taking market
shares from the royalty-free stock photo market but I guess
it will continue and eat of the whole traditional market
for stock photos, too.

The consequences for these trends for the stock photo
industry seem to be a need for still being more perfect in
the offers for the upper segment of the market.

This is about technical as well as creative quality of the
offered pictures.

But what might be overlooked is that the ability for creating
branding towards this exclusive market might be very important
too. The credibility of the delivered quality and uniqueness
will be on test every day.

This seems to be relevant for picture agencies as well as for
individual photographers, especially for commissioned work
and on assignment jobs. To be branded as a *star photographer*
will be very attractive.

For photographers as well as for picture agencies to cover
the full market segmentation might be a part of the best
strategy, too, as we already see examples of, see for example
the press release from AgeFotostock below.



Find the valuable gift for reading SPN and staying with us,
at http://....... SORRY, This gift is only for subscribers to SPN


Are your success costing you too much money with your
old web host?
Get 300 Gigabyte Hosting Space - lots of space for pictures
and other graphics.
3,000 GIGS of Transfer/md - don't worry to get too many visitors.
Host unlimited number of domains on your account.
With all bells and whistles, including multi media functionality.
Free eCommerce/Cart, Free Blog, Chat, Boards.
Top Notch 24/7 Support

And for starters (and all others) you get your own domain
included for life.
Take a look at this good value for money website host.


By Soren Breiting

English language is a widespread language and Internet has
made its position even stronger globally. But many customers
don't have English as their mother tongue and feel more
comfortable with their own language. A picture tells a 1000
words but marketing with pictures alone won't do it in Google
and other search engines.

Get a good start exploring aspects of bilingual marketing for
your profit and accountability in this article.

If you run an internet business you should benefit from these
tips about bilingual marketing. If you are running your
business in an English speaking country then you should analyze
which second language your potential customers would like to use
to find your website and buy from you.

If you are running an internet business in a non-English speaking
country you should make sure to have an English version of the
site, too. That will give you access to millions more of potential

When you plan your online visibility in two languages you have
3 options:

1. Bilingual website divided on two domains
You can keep your two language versions on two different domains.
That will give you the advantage that you can have key word rich
domain names in the relevant language or use national domains,
like we have with and .

2. Bilingual website divided on one domain, but two subdomains
This is another option, as the subdomains will function as two domains.
But it can also be set up, so the main site is in the root of
the domain and the extra language is in a subdomain, like we see
with Yahoo: as the general English language version,
and as the French version of Yahoo.

3. The bilingual website is simply divided with the second
language version in a subfolder. This is a very common approach
to a bilingual website and it will function fine for a smaller site.
On the other side you will not benefit from some of the special
possibilities for the promotion through bilingual marketing.

For some time it has been possible to include an automatic translation
script on the English language web pages. The script using Google's
translation service will then translate the concrete webpage to the
desired language when the visitor is just pushing a button.
Scripts exist at the moment to translate English texts into Spanish,
French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Russian and
Chinese language.

At the moment such translator scripts are more for marketing purpose,
as the quality of the translated text is very different from what a
human translator could do. On the other had the translated text will
definitely give the visitor an impression of what the webpage is about.
If you make links to the translated urls from other websites you might
get some extra traffic through the search engines.

You can se an example here at Free Articles

Improving visibility with free articles
Many marketers have realized that writing and distributing articles for
free reprint and use is one of the very best marketing tools we have
today. Such article marketing rides on the power of viral marketing.
When each article is uploaded to article directories like , and they will live
their own life in cyberspace and promote your ideas, back links and
branding for years to come.

When you have a bilingual capability yourself it will give you a nice
advantage, just read on.
To write a lot of articles for the article directories can be quite tuff,
or at least time consuming. Some use ghost writers that write articles
on your behalf. Another option is to use PLR articles, private label right articles. These are typical articles you buy.

If they are good they will focus on a specific topic and give good content
with the use of relevant keywords distributed in the article. English
speaking people will use such a PLR article as their own on their website,
or, much better, to rewrite it.

In fact the idea is that when you get PLR to an article you have the
freedom to use it for what ever you want, except to sell it as it is.
But such an article will not be accepted in the article directories because
many others are also using the exact same text. A complete rewrite will
be necessary for the use in article directories for viral spreading.

But, and here comes the scoop. If you just translate an English PLR article
into another language that will normally function as a completely
new-written article. One of my most read articles in my mother tongue
Danish comes from such an original PLR article I bought in English.
I must add that I did the translation a little bit creative, but that
is also the freedom you have with PLR articles.

As a bilingual marketer you will be able to go both ways, depending
on the sources of PLR resources in the second language to English
you will have access to.

Bilingual websites are a standard for many big companies outside
English speaking countries. For multinational companies directed
towards consumers the quest for multi-language websites and marketing
is a must, like we see it with , , and .

See a selection of good PLR articles at



With a newly developed chip giving 21.1 megapixels and full frame
the Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III will be a hard competitor for medium format
cameras used for high-fashion and commercial photo studios.

Also for outdoor use, sports, events and wildlife photography the
Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III is promising: Noise free use of higher
sensibility and a professional anti dust system to keep the sensor
and shutter free from dust. A feature that photographers who often
change lenses will appreciate.

Available from November 2007.
See the specifications at



Press Release

Oxfordshire, UK, 8 October 2007

From nought to 10 million images in under eight years. That's the
success being celebrated by Alamy, a UK internet start-up company
that is now the web's largest stock photo site.

Formed in 1999, the company, based in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, has
experienced phenomenal growth to reach today's milestone figure of
10 million images.

Alamy employs over 50 people at its UK headquarters and another
100 plus in its offices in Kerala, India. It sells images to picture
buyers worldwide on behalf of 10,000 photographers and over
400 picture libraries.

Still privately owned, Alamy is a family business that has carved
out a unique place in the world of stock photography. It combines a
pioneering, entrepreneurial style with a philanthrophic approach.

It was started by CEO James West with his uncle and company chairman
Mike Fischer, co-founder and former CEO of RM Plc, the leading
provider of IT solutions to UK schools, colleges and universities.

Their vision of creating a large, open, unedited, online collection
has helped to revolutionise the stock photo industry. Anyone can
submit to Alamy as long as they meet technical requirements and
contributors retain ownership and control of their pictures,
receiving 65 per cent of each sale, one of the highest rates in the

As the company has grown it has invested in new technology to
improve its search engine so that customers can find the right
image quickly and easily. It is currently working on a new generation
of products and services.

The company turnover for 2006 was £13.8 million/ $24 million and is
projected to exceed £14.5 million/ $28 million in 2007. Alamy turned
profitable in 2004 and, since 2006 has been providing approximately
£1 million/ $2 million a year to a number of medical research projects,
one of which is operating at the UK headquarters where researchers are
working on a therapeutic cancer vaccine.

CEO James West said "Alamy's success demonstrates that it is possible
to offer customers an encyclopaedic collection, pay photographers
the lion's share, and still be profitable."



Press Release October 2007 Barcelona and New York

age fotostock unveils easyFotostock - low budget Royalty Free pictures

For the past few months the age fotostock IT and marketing teams have
been hard at work developing easyFotostockTM, an innovative business
model in stock photography, which is expected to become another source
of significant additional income for the company.

age fotostock has always taken the necessary steps to ensure the long
lasting existence and profitability of the company, which has been
operating for almost 35 years, as well as the livelihood of its
photographers and other specific provider collections age fotostock
distributes. As business models change it was deemed necessary to
develop one that suited the needs of an emerging market segment today.

easyFotostockTM is the result of the clear understanding the company
has developed regarding the technological disruption digital photography
has produced, and the benefits of the economies of scale it has generated,
thereby giving place to an enormous volume of images that has undeniably
affected the final price. This situation has made it interesting for many
more segments of the visual market to use images cheaper, faster and even
more conveniently than ever before.

easyFotostockTM is a "low budget Royalty Free" (LBRF) model, and the brand
new site at is currently being beta-tested and will
offer a very attractive pricing formula, for resolutions like 1MB, 6MB,
26MB or 50MB, also allowing to subscribe to the service in order for
clients to enjoy the convenience of such a model, without the inherent
collateral problems associated with the philosophy of the typical
standard subscription model.

The new site will be accessible within the age fotostock website and
easyFotostockTM will share in client names, as well as the functionalities
of the e-commerce platform, lightboxes, Digital Access Management (DAM) back
end and more, thereby offering a sweet deal for all those thousands of clients
accustomed to using

Furthermore all age fotostock distributors using directly or indirectly our
THP technology (over 120 in total) will have the opportunity to incorporate
the easyFotostockTM module within their websites, thereby enabling their
clients to enjoy the same facilities.

easyFotostockTM is not a another photographer community and for that matter
it will not have a forum where photographers will be moderated and can
explain stories about how many downloads they make, how much they like their
colleagues´ images, debating about Model Releases or how much money most of
them finally receive... easyFotostockTM is an extension of age fotostock´s
core business, RM, RF and now LBRF that simplifies the purchasing process
and correctly licenses images to all those clients that are looking for a
good image at an affordable price.

easyFotostockTM is the answer for all those clients that still want images
of good enough quality but are not prepared to pay RF or RM prices as they
neither require the control or sophistication.

easyFotostockTM is also the answer for that surplus of images age fotostock
receives from photographers around the world and that cannot be incorporated
into the strict professional editing process for the age fotostock (RM) and
Pixtal (RF) collections, and that are returned to the authors because while
the images may be commercially viable they don´t have that leading edge that
makes them a clear winner.

With easyFotostockTM, a selling engine has been created that will enable
willing photographers, as well as other participating suppliers, to expand
the scope of images that can be channeled to the market for the clients to
select their preferred option.


Press release October 2007

News from Age Fotostock:

THP Photo Services, the business unit from age fotostock that
offers hosting and marketing services for the stock photography
industry, is proud to announce the global launch of its latest
service, THP PhotoStorage.

This new service provides daily image updates and fulfillment
of high resolution files for over 5 million images (from 243
image providers) currently residing on THP high end servers,
thanks to an underlying proprietary technology developed by the
age fotostock IT team.

THP PhotoStorage is aimed at any distributor of stock photography
images that would rather concentrate efforts and resources in much
needed marketing and communication, than uploading, updating,
correcting, withdrawing, re-organizing, and above all, storing
millions of images from an ever growing number of sources. In fact,
THP PhotoStorage can now allow distributors the freedom to represent
as many collections as they want, without all the associated headaches
that start with the receipt of a huge supply of high resolution image
files to its subsequent upload onto the website.

About this new development, Sylvie Cherian, Director of International
Sales at age fotostock commented that "for some months now we´ve been
receiving constant demands for this kind of service from both
distributors and image providers who´ve already experienced the
convenience of working with the THP. Before even launching officially
we already had a number of distributors already set-up with THP PhotoStorage,
and are presently in discussions to add more very soon".

THP Photo Services has gained its reputation for the development of
a network of close to 60 distributors, all of which use a common
search engine and sophisticated back end technology which enables them
to display to clients a collection of over 5 million professionally
edited images.

With the launch of THP PhotoStorage, any distributor can now tap
into an automatic image updating and high resolution fulfillment
service for this ever-growing pool of images, without having to use the
THP search engine and collateral functionalities; this new service only
provides storage, updating, support and delivery for the 243
hosted image collections, which include of course the age fotostock (rights managed)
and Pixtal (royalty free) collections. This new service is available
for a competitive monthly fee based on the number of images to be accessed.



Some months have passed since last issue of SPN which I don't
like to happen. But daily life is quite hectic and the usual
travels abroad take their toll of my time and work at home.

The mechanisms of globalization becomes stronger and stronger
in my mind about how I understand the world at present. Social,
political and not least environmentally we have never been tied
so hard together at our small planet.

This issue of SPN should be a clear testimonial of that.

I am not sure if we all are in the same boat but may be we are
in the same ocean ?

Let us use our intelligence and good intentions to be able to
pass that ocean on to your and my grand children in the best
possible way.

I passed the 60 years mark in August so I need your help.

Ideas and contributions to this e-zine is as usual greatly




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Copyright 2007 by Soren Breiting, A-Z FOTOS. "Find Stock Photos from most of the
World" Email me at: sb@ (email
spaced etc to avoid email harvesters).

You are welcome to forward this newsletter to a friend or
to post it on your own website as long as you keep ALL
content, including the copyright notion and contact
information, intact and keep all links.

Stock Photo News is 'in principle' a monthly newsletter
edited by me, Soren Breiting. Due to many travels abroad
it is impossible for me to keep the schedule of the issues
strictly fitting to each month. My intention is to bring
quality information that isn't outdated a month or two

To sign up for Stock Photo News:
Go to


This issue of Stock Photo News is especially dealing with the globalization of the stock photography market through online avaliability of stock photos and amateur pictures from all over the world and the heated competition between the picture agencies and commnunity sites following the success of web 2.0 applications.

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See examples of people´s online success at the fantastic all in one website and business building tool with unlimited space for photographers and other webmasters with needs of an online presens.


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Stock Photo News is your professional ezine to keep in touch with the trends of the online market for photography. By combining marketing issues with stock photography and how to make the most out of pictures this monthly ezine helps you not to loose on the dynamic market for pictures and how they are used.

Stock Photo News takes the pulse of the stock photo industry and gives you hints on how to search for stock photography and where to get the best pictures.

News about new picture agencies, merging stock photo agencies and other important changes for the creative professional are brought in many issues.

Even for the budding stock photographer or the student of creative productions this photo ezine should be well worth studying as it is dealing with the potential of pictures and offer stock photo news related to marketing and stock photography - including the newest information about stock photo distributors / picture agencies.

Stock Photo News has been published since 1999 and was the first professional newsletter to combine pictures and marketing.

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